Learning about the masculine and feminine energy has been a journey for me. I learnt that I was very masculine and out of balance. Both energies are important but most females have a feminine core so we need to more in the feminine energy rather than the masculine.
What is masculine and feminine energy anyway? Well, the masculine energy is the doing, control, providing and protecting energy. While the feminine energy is the being, receiving and in flow energy. You can probably see now that it's very easy to get stuck in the masculine energy and hussling all the time. Unfortunately, women are not designed to handle this energy all the time and we end up tired, unhappy and burnt out.
Here are 5 mindset tips to help you get more into the feminine and nurture yourself more.
Get rid of the need to rush or hurry.
This is something I use to do all the time. There are a couple of reasons why we do this. We have way too much going on and are saying yes to too many things and our to do list is getting bigger and bigger. Another reason is that your body is actually addicted to the adrenalin rush that you get from rushing. I'm definitely guilty of both. I have leant to have a proactive morning now instead of a reactive morning which sets you up for the day. Getting up early enough so you have time to do the things you want without the rush. This then helps to create more feminine energy as you are being more present with yourself. The rush is more masculine energy. Start to plan your days so there is less rushing and more relaxed go with the flow energy.
2. Drop control and perfectionism.
This is so hard to do. I always wanted to be in control and everything done my way because I knew better. Then I would always have this feeling of I wish I could let go and ask for help. If someone did try to help me I would refuse their help or I would accept it but end up redoing the thing myself because it wasn't the way I liked it. An example for you is I would complain to my husband that he wouldn't ever help peg the washing out. Then if he did peg it out for me I would criticise how he pegged everything out and then I would fix it. Granted, the washing is pegged out in all these weird ways but he got it done. I have had to learn to let go and accept help even though it's not done exactly how I do it but that's ok. Where in your life can you let go of control and perfectionism?
3. Don't give your energy to people, situations etc that are not in alignment.
All these shifts can be difficult but are very necessary to help us be more in the feminine energy. The feminine is soft and flower but she also has strong boundaries and knows what feels right and what doesn't. If you are saying yes to situations that you feel aren't in alignment with you you're giving away your energy. If you are surrounding yourself with people who leave you feeling drained and not inspired by life then these people are not in alignment with you either. I've learnt alot of lessons around this and it doesn't matter who the people are or the situations if they are not in alignment then you need to have strong internal boundaries and know that it is the best decision for you to keep radiating your feminine energy.
4. Get your validation internally not externally.
We are all guilty of wanting praise from an outside source. The feminine woman doesn't seek validation from anyone or anything. She knows her worth and believes in herself. Her confidence radiates from the inside with all that she does. When we learn to love ourselves unconditional and stop looking for external validation, we can step into our feminine energy
5. Stop TRYING and start BEING.
The feminine woman doesn't need to try or fake it. She embodies it. She feels it. She is all about being connected to herself. There isn't any ego with the feminine, it's just a deep knowing and truly feeling and experiencing all the sensations in her body. She attracts and is a magnetism for what she desires from feeling and being present in her body. Nothing is forced, nothing feels unnatural, nothing is copied she is just being her true authentic self.
These 5 tips are some things that I've been working on for myself and occasionally find myself getting a bit stuck in the unhealthy masculine from time to time but being aware helps me to put in place some regulating techniques to come back to the feminine. Hope this helps to give you some tips on stepping more into the feminine energy!