I gave up drinking alcohol 12 years ago because I realised that I was using alcohol to deal with my stress and problems. I was relying on it to get through my day, looking forward to that refreshing beverage at the end of the day to take away all my worries.
I also discovered that because I wasn't dealing with my emotions and storing them away when I would consume to many beverages all my emotions that I wasn't dealing with would come bubbling out of me in a very unhealthy way.
Noticing all these things and the destruction I was causing in my life I decide one day to stop drinking altogether. I thought it would of been hard but once I made up my mind and got over the habit I had created for myself it became easy.
These are some of the lessons from giving up drinking that I've learnt.
• I now deal with my emotions instead of trying to drink them away. I feel more calm and connected and don't look for an alcoholic drink to calm me down.
• I don't ever waste another day of my life with an extreme hangover or just not feeling my best vibrant self from poisoning my liver.
• I've learnt to have strong boundaries and respect myself when people try to peer pressure me into drinking because alot of people find it strange if you don't drink alcohol.
• I've learnt that you can still have fun and enjoy yourself at social gathering without alcohol and to be present all the time.
• I've learnt drinking soda water or kombucha out of a sexy cup gives me the relaxed vibe without the alcohol.
• I'm teaching my children that there is so much more to life then drinking and how to deal with your emotions in a healthy way rather then dissociating from them.
These are some things that I've learnt from giving up alcohol. I certainly dont miss it at all and have no intention of drinking again. I love how healthy and alive my body feels. I hope I have inspired you to try giving up alcohol, even if it's only for a month just to give your body a rest. It will thank you for it.